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Part of a livestream of the engine, with a cartoony cloud background and a pink Picotron desktop above it, mostly obscured by the program Chaotic Computer Music Emulation Engine which says its name over chaotic pink blocks. Below in the cloud area are the words ccmee pink live set 2-6-25 in pink.
Part of a livestream of the engine, with a cartoony cloud background and a pink Picotron desktop above it, mostly obscured by the program Chaotic Computer Music Emulation Engine which says its name over chaotic pink blocks. Below in the cloud area are the words ccmee pink live set 2-6-25 in pink.

ccmee pink live set 2-6-25


ccmee pink live set 2-6-25

This was a live set performed on Twitch 2-6-25, done in my new music engine, CCMEE:
