Foxy's Poly Adventure

"A Poly Trans Lesbian Pedestrian Power Fantasy"

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gameplay of a fox girl with green hair wall jumping around mountainous terrain

This game is a work in progress. I "did everything" in this so far, but there's not such thing as solo dev.

This game was worked on during the "Finish Your Game" Jam 2024. I promise it's not finished.

When I was 9, I was obsessed with Nintendo and wanted to make my own games. Using sheets of graph paper, I constructed Mario-style levels with what I imagined were near impossible jumps and tons of spikes. That's really where it all started for me and this is my love letter to the genre.

This game would not exist without Super Mario World and the countless talented people on smwcentral.

Likewise, this game simply would not be what it is without Kitsune Tails. Seriously, if you like Platformers at all and haven't played it, it's incredible stuff.

Plus, the physics were updated after playing Super Puzzled Cat. Really made me rethink Platformer physics. And just Platformers in general.

